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Updated: Sep 9, 2021

Eat healthy– sugar, alcohol and simple carbohydrates may help you feel better in the moment, but will catch up and have the opposite effect (for more on this, read Potatoes Not Prozac by Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D.)

Move your body– even if it’s a five minute walk at lunch, movement helps circulation.  Exercise improves all bodily systems, brings oxygen into your cells, releases endorphins that improve mood, and tires you physically (improving nighttime sleep).

Nourish relationships with yourself and others– we tend to isolate and disconnect from those most able to help us through difficult times(including our own internal support); make an effort to call someone or spend some ‘quality’ time with your Self

Recognize patterns in your day– watch for certain times of the day when your mood changes, notice what’s happening around you at that time and see if there’s a connection; do something different (if you tend to get low after lunch, does a walk help?)

Meditate– meditation helps us to interrupt our negative self-thinking, and connects us to something more than our personal issues (the key to meditation is not in stopping thoughts, but in watching them)

Listen to your body– our gut reactions or instincts are often full of wisdom; many of us dismiss or minimize what our bodies are telling us and try to talk ourselves into feeling differently

Seek professional help if needed– often someone outside our circle can see things our friends or family can’t; depression can be a serious problem with unresolved issues (including grief) hidden behind it

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